Our official AGC 2020 (October 18-20) hotel is the Hotel Indigo Baltimore. Most conference sessions and the conference reception will take place at this excellent venue. AGC attenders may reserve hotel rooms for a conference nightly rate of $169 (plus taxes) per night.
Room reservations at the AGC 2020 conference rate can be made:
All bookings at the AGC conference rate (online or via telephone) must be completed before September 15, 2020, or until our AGC conference room block is fully subscribed (whichever comes first).
- Core dates for the AGC Conference room block: bookings at the conference nightly rate for the nights of October 18 and 19, available until September 15 or the conference room block is filled (whichever comes first)
- Early Arrival Date: bookings at the conference rate are possible up to two days before the conference, pending room availability
- Late Departure Date: bookings at the conference rate are possible up to two days following the conference, pending room availability
Room reservations at the AGC 2020 conference rate can be made:
- Via the Hotel Indigo Baltimore Website; the three-digit Group Code for our conference is "AG7"
- By calling the Hotel Indigo Baltimore reservations line directly at (855) 914-1370 and citing our Group Code ("AG7")
All bookings at the AGC conference rate (online or via telephone) must be completed before September 15, 2020, or until our AGC conference room block is fully subscribed (whichever comes first).
Hotel Indigo Baltimore
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