The AGC welcomes session proposals for our upcoming AGC 2020 conference. Please follow the following guidelines to create and submit your session proposal:
- Proposals must be submitted using the session form linked below for all paper, panel, round table, and workshop sessions proposed for inclusion in the conference program.
- All submitted session proposals will be reviewed for acceptance/rejection.
- The AGC board reserves the right to accept or reject any session proposal.
- The only session proposals that will be accepted will have all organizers being fully-registered for the conference. Session proposals can be submitted before organizers complete their conference registration completion, but no session proposal will be fully accepted until the registration of all organizers has been completely verified. Sessions associated with organizer registrations that are not completed and paid for by September 18, 2020 will be deleted from the conference program. If such a session has multiple organizers, the conference organizers may at their discretion simply remove from the program the organizer(s) who have not registered, as long as at least one session organizer has registered.
- Papers with at least one fully-registered author in any session to be deleted due to organizer non-registration will be reallocated to other sessions.
- Please note the session description body must fall within a 200-word length limit. Sessions proposed around simple or broad topics do not require lengthy session descriptions.
- The session proposal deadline for AGC 2020 is August 15, 2020.
- Please submit all session proposals via the session proposal form linked at the button below.
Clicking on the button below indicates that you have reviewed and agreed to the
session proposal submission guidelines listed above.
session proposal submission guidelines listed above.
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